Thursday, May 6, 2010

Greetings and Salutations My Cherished Friends~Welcome to my blog site which is intended for ADULTS ONLY...I wast growing tired of certain photographs being removed from my Facebook and Myspace pages...I wast tired of having to be child friendly, so I discovered this outlet...I believe illuminated adults should rule and that there should be areas specifically for us on this internet...I will post previously censored photos from the other sites and adult conversation on Sexe Magick, Left Hand Path rituals, Hoodoo Rites I have seen and experienced and Ceremonial Magick workings I have achieved...I will also write about some of my experiences within the rock musick world and talk about my passed ancestors who visit me from time to time...And I humbly thank thee...Always Thine, Jinx

The infamous Black Mass gatefold photo inside the 1969 Coven "Witchcraft" album


  1. Dearest Jinx:

    I've been hoping you would start a blog, or write a book, or something to this effect! So glad that you did!

    Tell me things which I am dying to know...

    Yours always,
    Kitty LeClaw

  2. wonderful, i have the Coven lp on my mp3 player and hear it almost everyday, would love to know more about the evil genius behind it!

  3. Here to serve as always, my Queen...

  4. Id love to see an old style Satanic ritual. Its just not done that theatrical way anymore.
    Much missed, just on an artistic theatrical perspective.


    Yours in Magic,
    Andrieh Vitimus

  5. i hope you post more items soon.

  6. Hey, what's going on? Isn't this the Disney blog? Guess I clicked on the wrong link. Yipes, I don't think that's the Enchanted Kindgom! Well, what the heck. Since I'm here . . .
